25 May 2017


Estimadas familias, alumnos y profesores:

Con el fin de realizar la valoración del funcionamiento de la Sección Bilingüe en el curso 2016-17 os rogamos contestéis a las encuestas respectivas que encontraréis en los siguientes enlaces:




Muchas gracias por vuestra colaboración.


From the 17th to the 19th of May, 1º ESO students participated in an English Camp that took place in Foz (Lugo). The objectives of this activity were to improve students’ skills in English, practice sports, promote values such as cooperation, independence and environmental awareness.

In the camp, the students participated in a lot of collaborative activities, all developed in English, (games, quizzes, workshops...). They also started practising surf and paddle surf.
They had a great and unforgettable experience.

Here you can see some photos.

24 May 2017


Students from the Bilingual Section participated in the Cultural Week that took place in our school from the 24th to the 28th of April 2017.The topic of this year´s Cultural Week was cinema.
In Music, students made posters on the history of music in films.
In Technology, students prepared index cards of essential films in the history of cinema.
In Physical Education, students prepared presentations and performed scenes of different musicals: The Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins, Grease, Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean
Students also participated in the Music festival “Crisolywood”, singing and playing different songs and performing the song “Over the rainbow” from the film The Wizard of Oz, together with the Music teachers.
Our assistant teacher, Angie Ward gave an interesting talk to the 4º ESO students about Hollywood and the history of cinema.
2º, 3º and 4º students participated in the 4th Interdisciplinary Conference that was held in the school assembly hall and gave talks related to cinema. In Music, 2º ESO students talked about the soundtracks of the following films: The Pink Panther, Harry Potter, The Sound of Music and Indiana Jones. In English 2º ESO students talked about Woody Allen and Robin Hood films. 3º ESO students´talks were: The Oscars Awards, World War Films, The Big Bang Theory. 4º ESO students presented their projects on the following topics: Make- up in films, Romance films, Harry Potter films, Bollywood and 2017 Releases.
Here you can see some pictures of the different activities.

26 Mar 2017


From the 7 th to the 13 th of March, 2º and 4º ESO students and four teachers travelled to Dublin to do an English course. The school we attended was Atlas School located in Portobello, quite near Dublin city centre.

We stayed with families, so we could get an idea of the Irish way of life. Apart from the classes, we also did different activities in order to practice English and get to know Dublin. For example, a treasure hunt, a selfie night or an Irish dance class. We also went cycling in Phoenix Park, one of the biggest public parks in Europe.

On Saturday, we visited Howth, a fishing village situated in Dublin bay. We went there by train and we walked around the village, the harbour, the viewpoint, the old church and cemetery. We also went shopping in the local market.

Sunday was the day to be with our families. On Monday we visited the Trinity College, the oldest and most famous University in Ireland. A Philosophy professor working there was our guide and we could learn a lot of facts about the origin and the present of this wonderful university.

It was a great and unforgettable experience for all of us. We practiced English, made new friends and had a lot of fun.

Here you can see some pictures of our journey to Ireland.


The Bilingual Section and the English Department organized a Saint Valentine´s competition. Students from 1º and 2º of ESO had to write a Valentine´s card while 3º and 4º of ESO students´ task was to write a love letter ( 120- 150 words).

The 1º /2º ESO winners were: Deva Fidalgo ( 1º ESO C) and  Carmen Muñiz ( 1º ESO B).

The 3º/4º ESO winners were: Alba Medina and Miguel Díaz, both  from 3º ESO A

28 Jan 2017


On January 13th, the company “Moving on” came to our school to perform two plays. The fist one, intended for beginners, was entitled “A class act” and the second one, for intermediate students, was “ Change the channel”. The performances took place in the school assembly hall.

The 5º and 6º grade students from Gozón Primary Schools (La Canal, La Vallina and CRA Cabo Peñas) participated in the first performance together with 1º ESO students, while the second performance audience was made up of 2º, 3º, 4º ESO and 1º Bachillerato students.

In both plays the actors performed two funny stories, making students participate, come up to the stage and act in front of an audience who clapped and enjoyed both plays a lot. It was a great opportunity for students to improve their oral skills in English in an entertaining way.

Here you can see some photos of both performances.