28 Jan 2017


On January 13th, the company “Moving on” came to our school to perform two plays. The fist one, intended for beginners, was entitled “A class act” and the second one, for intermediate students, was “ Change the channel”. The performances took place in the school assembly hall.

The 5º and 6º grade students from Gozón Primary Schools (La Canal, La Vallina and CRA Cabo Peñas) participated in the first performance together with 1º ESO students, while the second performance audience was made up of 2º, 3º, 4º ESO and 1º Bachillerato students.

In both plays the actors performed two funny stories, making students participate, come up to the stage and act in front of an audience who clapped and enjoyed both plays a lot. It was a great opportunity for students to improve their oral skills in English in an entertaining way.

Here you can see some photos of both performances.